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Angle ridge 75 is an accessory designed to give your roof an angled finishing effect. This accessory is compatible with all of the Teef Najd roofing panels. It is pressed from ALUZINC 185 metal and available a wide range of color to comply with the rest of the roofing materials.

Length1340 mm
Width130 mm
1.75 kg
Pallet quantity
500 pieces / pallet
Pallet composition
50 layers of 10 pieces
Pallet dimension1400 mm * 1100 mm
Colorssee color charts


An angled ridge is for sealing the top courses of the tiles at the ridge of the roof. It can also be used for the hips of the roof.



Angle ridge is designed to give your roof an angled finishing effect. This accessory is compatible with all of the Teef Najd roofing panels. It is pressed from ALUZINC 185 metal and available a wide range of color to comply with the rest of the roofing materials.

Length1355 mm
Width230 mm
2.11 kg
Pallet quantity
500 pieces / pallet
Pallet composition
50 layers of 10 pieces
pallet dimension1400 mm * 1100 mm
colorssee color charts


An angled ridge is for sealing the top courses of the tiles at the ridge of the roof. It can also be used for the hips of the roof.



The triple ridge barrel is designed to give your roof a rounded ‘finishing’ effect. It is pressed from ALUZINC 185 metal and available a wide range of colour to comply with the rest of the roofing materials

Length1140 mm
Useful length 1110 mm
Width185 mm
Weight1.40 kg
Pallet quantity500 pieces / pallet
Pallet composition50 layers of 10 pieces
Pallet dimensions1400 mm * 1100 mm
Colorssee color charts


A triple ridge barrel is for sealing the top courses of the tiles at the ridge of the roof. It can also be used for the hips of the roof.



Single ridge barrel is designed to give your roof a rounded ‘finishing’ effect. It is pressed from ALUZINC 185 metal and available in a wide range of colour to comply with the rest of the roofing materials..

Length400 mm
Useful length 380 mm
Width185 mm
Weight0.515 kg
Pallet quantity738 pieces / pallet
Pallet composition100 stacks of 5 pieces
Pallet dimensions1400 mm * 1100 mm
Colorssee color charts


A single ridge barrel is the small version of a triple ridge barrel. This accessory is for sealing the top courses of the tiles at the ridge of the roof. It can also be used for the hips of the roof.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lectus lacus, rutrum sit amet placerat et, bibendum nec mauris. Duis molestie, purus eget placerat viverra, nisi odio gravida sapien, congue tincidunt nisl ante nec tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sagittis, massa fringilla consequat blandit, mauris ligula porta nisi, non tristique enim sapien vel nisl. Suspendisse vestibulum lobortis dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent nec tempus nibh. Donec mollis commodo metus et fringilla. Etiam venenatis, diam id adipiscing convallis, nisi eros lobortis tellus, feugiat adipiscing ante ante sit amet dolor. Vestibulum vehicula scelerisque facilisis. Sed faucibus placerat bibendum. Maecenas sollicitudin commodo justo, quis hendrerit leo consequat ac. Proin sit amet risus sapien, eget interdum dui. Proin justo sapien, varius sit amet hendrerit id, egestas quis mauris.

Ut ac elit non mi pharetra dictum nec quis nibh. Pellentesque ut fringilla elit. Aliquam non ipsum id leo eleifend sagittis id a lorem. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam massa mauris, viverra et rhoncus a, feugiat ut sem. Quisque ultricies diam tempus quam molestie vitae sodales dolor sagittis. Praesent commodo sodales purus. Maecenas scelerisque ligula vitae leo adipiscing a facilisis nisl ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Curabitur non erat quam, id volutpat leo. Nullam pretium gravida urna et interdum. Suspendisse in dui tellus. Cras luctus nisl vel risus adipiscing aliquet. Phasellus convallis lorem dui. Quisque hendrerit, lectus ut accumsan gravida, leo tellus porttitor mi, ac mattis eros nunc vel enim. Nulla facilisi. Nam non nulla sed nibh sodales auctor eget non augue. Pellentesque sollicitudin consectetur mauris, eu mattis mi dictum ac. Etiam et sapien eu nisl dapibus fermentum et nec tortor.

Curabitur nec nulla lectus, non hendrerit lorem. Quisque lorem risus, porttitor eget fringilla non, vehicula sed tortor. Proin enim quam, vulputate at lobortis quis, condimentum at justo. Phasellus nec nisi justo. Ut luctus sagittis nulla at dapibus. Aliquam ullamcorper commodo elit, quis ornare eros consectetur a. Curabitur nulla dui, fermentum sed dapibus at, adipiscing eget nisi. Aenean iaculis vehicula imperdiet. Donec suscipit leo sed metus vestibulum pulvinar. Phasellus bibendum magna nec tellus fringilla faucibus. Phasellus mollis scelerisque volutpat. Ut sed molestie turpis. Phasellus ultrices suscipit tellus, ac vehicula ligula condimentum et.